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December Spotlight: Stacey Burks

By December 9, 2019May 24th, 2024No Comments

Through our Monthly Spotlight Series, we are taking the time to highlight the staff at KidsCare Home Health. We hope you gain inspiration and valuable advice from these successful individuals and their stories.

This month we were excited to interview, Stacey Burks, Director of Nursing (TX). At KidsCare Home Health, we provide pediatric nursing services in Dallas, Fort Worth and Tyler, Texas. Our highly qualified nurses work alongside our therapists, providing children the best possible care specific to your child’s needs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Where did you grow-up and what is special about your hometown?
I was born in California. I moved to Texas when I was 14 years old.

Why did you decide to become a nurse?
I have always been a natural born caretaker. My nickname growing up was Mother Hen. Nursing just seemed like the perfect fit for my personality.

Where did you go to school for college?
I obtained my RN at Northeast Texas Community College and my BSN at Walden University. I am currently working on my Masters.

What is your favorite thing about working in pediatric nursing?
I love being a part of the journey for these amazing kiddos. I love to watch them thrive and grow. My goal for these kiddos is for them to eventually not need us.

When you’re not at work, how do you like to spend your time?
Since it is hunting season, you can find me at the Deer Lease. I love to hunt. I love to travel, as well. My daughter and I go to Disney World 1-2 times per year.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Being a Mother is my greatest achievement.

What makes KidsCare Home Health different from other agencies?
Our patients are not just a number on a report, they come first. Everyone here has been amazing, supporting my crazy ideas. They are always quick to support me and jump on board to lend a hand when a kiddo or parents needs a little extra help.

What is the best advice you’ve received for your career?
Treat your patients/parents the way you would want someone to treat you/your family.

What advice would you share with someone looking to become a nurse?
If you don’t love it and are not in it for the right reasons, don’t do it.

What is your favorite part about your current position as a Director of Nursing?
My team is amazing. Watching the pride they have in this program and how hard they work to help these kiddos warms my heart. I love to watch the patients thrive and help make the parents lives a little easier. Each patient and their story is amazing. I am so blessed to be a part of their journey.

What is the best part of working at KidsCare?
We are all on a mission to help these kiddos get better and thrive. I am so grateful to be a part of a team that puts their patients first.

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