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BlogEmployee Spotlights

April Spotlight: Claire, Clinical Manager/SLP

By April 19, 2020May 27th, 2024No Comments

Through our Monthly Spotlight Series, we are taking the time to highlight the staff at KidsCare Home Health. Whether you’re an aspiring therapist or current therapist looking for your next big move, we hope you gain inspiration and valuable advice from these successful individuals and their stories.

This month we were excited to interview, Claire, a Clinical Manager/Speech-Language Pathologist at KidsCare Home Health. Claire first started working with KidsCare in 2012 as an intern in graduate school and has moved her way up to become a leader, resource for students and colleagues, and now a Clinical Manager!

Where did you grow-up and what is special about your hometown?
I graduated from Flower Mound high school and it’s special to me because that is where I met my lifelong friends.

Where did you go to school for college?
I received my undergrad from University of North Texas (Go Mean Green) and my masters from Texas Woman’s University.

Why did you decide to become a speech therapist?
My mom is a physical therapist and I went to work with her one day. She had some free time throughout her day and introduced me to a speech therapist that worked with her and I was able to watch a few sessions and I instantly loved it.

What is your favorite thing about working in pediatric speech therapy?
I always love seeing the joy in their parents’ faces when the kiddos finally say a certain sound or word or take a first bite of a new food. But my favorite part is watching the kids be proud of themselves.

When you’re not at work, how do you like to spend your time?
Chasing my two little monsters. I have 2-year-old twins, Dalton and Scarlet, and they take up a lot of my free time. When they are napping, I love watching crime shows and The Golden Girls, but weekends are spent with my husband, family and friends.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Getting accepted and completing graduate school. All the hours and work were well worth it.

What is the best advice you’ve received for your career?
“If you ever think you have it ALL figured out, you probably shouldn’t be in this field anymore.” I am constantly learning and growing, and things are continuously changing. It keeps us therapists on our toes!

How do you make pediatric speech therapy fun?
A wide range of games, songs, and books to keep the kids engaged and productive.

What advice would you share with someone looking to become a speech therapist?
Find a good company. As a speech therapist, you will always find a job but make sure it’s with the RIGHT people. The people you work with can make or break the job.

What is your favorite memory in working at KidsCare Home Health?
I don’t know if I have a specific memory but I have LOVED watching the company change/grow over the years. I was placed with KidsCare Home Health as an externship in my Grad program in 2012 when documentation was done on a flip phone and we were “KidsCare Therapy.” A lot has changed since then but I wouldn’t have wanted to grow with any other company.

What is the best part of working at KidsCare?
I really love that KidsCare is a Therapist owned and operated company. I have always felt that even the upper management has walked in our shoes and truly can relate to our situations and challenges as therapist.


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