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Maintaining Your Mental Health | Raising Awareness

By August 4, 2022May 27th, 2024No Comments

Although our primary objective is to help and support children in need, we also acknowledge the stress that individuals of all ages undergo on a daily basis. Therefore, awareness and education about mental illnesses, as well as strategies for attaining mental health and wellness, is vital to the KidsCare Home Health mission.

Our society is emerging from a two-year pandemic that included extended periods of stress, isolation, and uncertainty – which have certainly taken a toll on the well-being of both children and adults alike. Mental health disorders do not discriminate against age, gender, race, or economy. They can affect anyone, and they are often pre-cursors for substance abuse or suicide.

To put the ongoing crisis in perspective, 1 in 5 adults (52.9 million adults) in the U.S. experienced mental illness in 2020, yet 54% of adults with mental illness did not receive treatment.1  The statistics demonstrate the need now more than ever to understand the significance of mental illness and how it affects people everywhere.

Short History of Mental Health Awareness Initiatives

In 1949, the Mental Health America organization established the first campaign to raise awareness and educate the public about mental illness – including conditions like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder – and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health disorders.

Since then, organizations across the country have come together to talk and share about mental illnesses to spotlight the trauma and societal impact these disorders can have on the well-being of children, families, and communities as a whole.

Overall, the goal is to remind mental health sufferers and those in their support system that there is help and support available and that no one is truly alone in their struggles.

Back to Basics

Mental Health Awareness month is assigned a theme every year, and 2022 is “Back to Basics.” Struggles to find a sense of “normalcy” after an uncertain two years of pandemic-driven change have undoubtedly affected all; however, none more so than those struggling with mental illness disorders.

Therefore, this year’s “Back to Basics” Mental Health Awareness Initiative prioritizes reiterating the foundational knowledge around mental health and mental health conditions and spotlighting critical information about what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern.

How to Get Help

People often don’t get help for their mental health issues either because they are not informed about how they can get help or they are not aware of the issues prior to them becoming real problems.

If you, or your loved one, is in a need for help, here are the 5 things you can do today.

  1. Find a local MHA affiliate who can provide services
  2. Find a therapist
  3. Find support groups
  4. Find a hospital
  5. Call a hotline if it’s an emergency

Taking the first step is always the hardest thing to do. Reaching out and talking to someone can seem difficult at first as well. All you have to do is connect with someone to know that you’re not alone – many people find their strength and recover through individual therapy and group sessions.

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