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BlogEmployee Spotlights

KidsCare Spotlight: Karen Moore

By February 16, 2022May 24th, 2024No Comments

Through our Spotlight Series, we are taking the time to highlight the staff at KidsCare Home Health. We hope you gain inspiration and valuable advice from these successful individuals and their stories.

This month we were excited to interview Karen Moore, VP of Human Resources for KidsCare Home Health.

Where did you grow-up and what is special about your hometown?
I grew up in Central Illinois in a little town called Niantic. I think when my family was living there, the census for the town and surrounding farmers was a total of 650. The Midwest is full of hardworking and caring people. Growing up in that environment provided me with a deep sense of community and a strong work ethic.

Where did you go to school for college?
I went back to school later in life. I was lucky enough to attend Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas where I earned my Bachelor’s in Business Admin/Sociology. Once that was behind me, I continued on my educational journey and completed a Master’s in Organizational and Human Resource Development from Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas.

What brought you to KidsCare Home Health?
The mission and values of the organization. I have been in the healthcare space since 2007, but there is a special place in my heart for pediatric home health. The work that our employees do positively impacts the lives of so many kiddos and their families. I am truly proud of the work that they do each day.

What do the day-to-day responsibilities of your role as VP of Human Resources look like?
Overall, each day provides me with an opportunity to act as a coach and mentor while reviewing opportunities and addressing challenges in support of our amazing employees and all that they do in executing the mission of taking care of our kids.

What do you look forward to most in your role as the new VP of Human Resources for KidsCare?
Making sure that as our company grows, we are able to maintain a culture which continues our owners’ original vision of providing an open, supportive, and rewarding professional environment. I am looking forward to meeting as many of our employees as possible and getting to know them better. I want to know what’s working and what isn’t and what they want for their own professional growth. By working together, we can ensure that our CARE values are evident to all who come into contact with us.

When you’re not at work, how do you like to spend your time?
I liked to spend time with my family and friends. I also strive to practice a fair amount of self-care. Whether that means allowing myself time in the day for a walk, a chance to read something just for pleasure, or a night out with just my husband, it rebalances my outlook on life and allows me to refocus on what’s important in my day.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Finishing my education while working full time and raising my children. My husband and I met in high school and married when we were still teenagers. Finishing college and having a career used to seem so far out of my reach. I’ve had some amazing people in my life who have helped to keep me focused and reaching for more. I only hope that I am able to do the same for others. Set a goal, go for it, and never give up!

What is the best advice you’ve received for your career?
Honesty and authenticity earn the respect of those in our lives, whether personal or professional, and is key to building lasting relationships. So be authentic and honest. Even when having difficult conversations, honesty is truly the best policy.

What gets you most excited about KidsCare’s future?
The growth! The opportunities we have in front of us for expanding our company’s footprint will allow us to bring exceptional service and CARE to many, many children, and their families. The work that is done inside of this organization is invaluable and so needed. I am very grateful and humbled to be a part of it.

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