Through our Monthly Spotlight Series, we are taking the time to highlight the staff at KidsCare Home Health. We hope you gain inspiration and valuable advice from these successful individuals and their stories.
This month we were excited to interview Amy Pape, Director of Nursing for Colorado for KidsCare Home Health.
Where did you grow-up and what is special about your hometown?
I grew up in a variety of places across the Midwest and West as my father was re-located many times for his job, however we spent most of those years in Minnesota, just outside of Minneapolis, and a lot of time on the lake. Lake life is one of the great things about living in Minnesota.
Why did you decide to become a nurse?
I became a nurse as a second career, to work with the pediatric population, ultimately in nurse leadership. I like to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. My first career was working with exotic animals in a variety of roles, one of which was wildlife rehabilitation where the goal is to heal, support and rehabilitate wildlife and release them back to their homes. The transition to nursing and working with the pediatric population was natural in a way because sometimes there’s a similar goal, albeit achieved in a different way.
Where did you go to school for college?
I went to nursing school in Denver and earned my third college degree, with a BS in Nursing. My other two degrees are in Primate Behavior from Metropolitan State College in Denver, and Exotic Animal Training and Management, from a school in Moorpark, California that has a zoo on the campus.
What is your favorite thing about working in pediatric nursing?
I enjoy working to support the pediatric population during times in their lives where medical intervention is needed. I love pediatric home health as it allows the opportunity to provide nursing and whole family support in the comfort of the patient’s home. Ideally, providing this kind of nursing keeps them out of the hospital and at home with their families, which is often better for everyone.
When you’re not at work, how do you like to spend your time?
I enjoy spending time outdoors camping and fishing, watching wildlife, spending time with friends and family, spoiling my 15 year old dog, and visiting the beach on occasion; I love to snorkel and scuba dive.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Aside from raising my two amazing kids, my greatest achievement is probably getting my nursing degree at a later chapter in life and serving in a nurse leadership role.
What makes KidsCare Home Health different from other agencies?
There is a high level of professionalism, with a strong commitment to ethics, compliance and dedication to our patients and families; we sustain these core values allowing us to practice best patient care.
What is the best advice you’ve received for your career?
Never stop learning.
What advice would you share with someone looking to become a nurse?
Be willing to explore the many fields of nursing, you may find your niche is someplace unexpected.
What is your favorite part about your position as a Director of Nursing for Colorado?
I enjoy being a part of the leadership team to ensure best care and support of my nurses, patients, and families, and maintaining a relationship with all of them.
What is the best part of working at KidsCare?
KidsCare has a great support system to help ensure your success and growth within the company, with intelligent and friendly colleagues who strive for excellence in compassionate and compliant care in pediatric home health.